The Jewellery Quarter
A place that has undegone significant change and gentrification since I started taking images of it in the early 2000s. It represents the best of Birmingham’s architecure and the place that one might call along with Digbeth a cool quarter.
Shop next to the New Rimini Restaurant, awaiting demolition, Warstone Lane, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, Spring 2008
Birmingham Mint Redevelopment, Icknield Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, Spring 2008
New Rimini Cafe, awaiting demolition, Warstone Lane, Jewellery Quarter, Spring 2008, Birmingham
St George's Works, awaiting demolition, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, Spring 2008
St George's Works 'Works' Awaiting demolition, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham Spring 2008
St George's Works 'Works' Awaiting demolition, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham Spring 2008
View of rear of Birmingham Mint. 2008.
View of land to rear of Birmingham Mint, 2008
View of Birmingham Mint Chimney, 2008.